29 January 2010

Dear Vintage

I am working with a client right now who is finding it very hard- nearly impossible-to give up her collection. Her intention is to sell the collection, but when she looks at the individual pieces, she can't bear to part with them. 

For her, each piece represents a memory dear to her heart.  Each dress has a special event attached to it-an early in their marriage date with her loving husband, a party at the Botanical Garden, a costume ball somewhere else........

Individually, the pieces have little value.  As a collection, there is a small fortune.  In order to best help her, it is the entire collection that needs to be sold.

I want to be of service, but I cannot force her (nor do I wish to) to part with her dear vintage.

You see, I know how she feels.  I have a collection of dear vintage in my closet as well. 

My vintage collection represents dreams and memories yet to be-  glamorous cocktail and evening gowns that fit like a glove and bring out the true spirit of who I am.  They have not been worn, like my clients collection.  Instead, they are there patiently waiting.  Waiting for my dreams to come true, so that they too can become memories.

Yesterday, I was given an offer of exchange (2 for my 1) to part with one of my unworn dreams.  I said no right away, because it was too painful to think about.

Today, I think about my client, and I think about my dreams.  I realize that I can let go of this gown so that it can bring me closer to making these dreams come true.

With this exchange comes the blessing of friendship, which is more important to me than the gown.  With that friendship comes the safety of knowing the closet the gown will be in-that it will be cared for as lovingly as my dream. 

And someday, if my friend ever wants to sell it, I can buy it back, or once again trade for another (or 2) dear vintage.

If I am willing to let go of some of my dear vintage, maybe I can help my client.  For me, I cannot gain understanding of something without experiencing it myself.